Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Day 2

Incredible and exhausting. Our guide - a Jewish Believer merely uses these incredible sites as a backdrop to teach us the Bible. At Caesarea-by-the-Sea, you could almost here Paul's confrontation with Aggripa II. You really felt as if you had been transported back in time. Our guide is former Israeli military who has fought in three wars, a musician, a carpenter for 20 years and now guides full time. His stories are truly amazing and his passion is limitless.

We visited Mount Carmel and Meggido. And drove through Nazareth. Not much left to see there. It is now a city of 110,000, mostly Arab.

We are now camped out at the Holiday Inn in Tiberias on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. Just ready to go exploring for an hour before the day starts.

God Bless.

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